
In 2024, MA Festival hosts a new edi­tion of MA Competition, this year focus­ing on pianoforte! 

We are very excit­ed to announce that the fol­low­ing twelve can­di­dates have been select­ed for the semi final of MA Competition 2024!

  • Chen Jiaqi
  • Ercoli Federico
  • Fernández Benlloch Pau
  • Figel Matthew
  • Grazhdanov Mikhail
  • Kurtynina Mariia
  • Masrangsan Aruth
  • Nizharadze Vera
  • Ritter Tomasz
  • Sakamaki Takahiko
  • Szilasi Dávid
  • Tang Charlotte


We wel­come you all in Bruges this sum­mer for the semi-final on Tuesday 6 August and the final on Thursday 8 August.

All instru­ments on stage are pro­vid­ed by Piano’s Maene

If you have any ques­tions, do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us on competition@​mafestival.​be.